Welcome Note

Hi and welcome to my Poetry Blog. My topics range from romantic poetry, though mini-epic poems to just plain humour. Enjoy!

Sunday 28 August 2011


The day is done, the night is come,
And time drags swiftly by;
So swiftly here, so swiftly gone,
Yet stretches in the future long,
And tardily draws nigh.

The seconds seem to laugh at me,
And quickly flash away –
The minutes grin as past they spin,
Yet longer they delay;
While the hours smile, as all the while
They elongate the day.

But when I come to peace with Time,
And call a truce and make amends,
The time too quickly passes by;
The end of peace too soon draws nigh,
And fast our friendship ends.

And so I sit and sigh my sighs,
And shrug my shrugs and drink my wine,
And cry my tears and sing my songs,
And Time, which travels fast along
As minutes round the hours throng,
Yet stretches in the future long,
Is laughing while I write this song,
And time drags, swiftly, by.

Tuesday 23 August 2011